Monday 9 April 2018

Best home remedies for Constipation patients

The problem of constipation and abdominal gas is a common disease due to irregular routine and eating habits. The complaint of stomach inflammation is also seen in constipation patients, people eat anything anywhere. Staying after meals, sleeping after dinner, there are such habits that cause constipation. The disease of gas in the stomach is most commonly seen in the elderly but it can happen to anyone and at any age. Let us give you information about some home remedies to avoid constipation.

Home remedies for the treatment of constipation


Mucus contains elements to destroy constipation. Constipation ends with eating 6-7 Munkka every night before sleeping. In addition, after eating in the morning without having breakfast, eat 4-5 grains of cashews and 4-5 grains of Munkka, it will end the constipation problem.


Honey is very beneficial for constipation. Before sleeping at night, mixing a spoonful of honey with a glass of water, drinking regularly removes constipation.

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Do not throw radish leaves; be surprised at its properties

1. Vitamins and Minerals are full of radish leaves
Radish is eaten as parathas, pickles, salads and vegetables, but do you know that in addition to radish there are also many nutrients that can fight against many diseases. If you use to throw the leaves of radish, then you will not know what will the special thing in radish leaves and what are the benefits of eating it. Radish leaves contain vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, and vitamin A. It also contains sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus and copper. Its leaves contain carbohydrate, protein, fiber, while fat is very low.
2. Beneficial in Anemia
Radish leaves contain iron, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin A and thiamine, so eating it hemoglobin level will increase. During pregnancy, its leaves are beneficial to meet iron deficiency.
3. Blood Pressure will remain normal
Potassium is also rich in radish leaves, so it reduces sodium levels in the body and keeps blood pressure in control. It also protects against cardiovascular diseases by eating it.
radish leaves
4. Beneficial in diabetes
The amount of fiber in radish leaves is also very good. By eating it everyday sugar levels do not grow and the elements in the leaves keep the insulin in control.

Friday 22 December 2017

What is the correct postion while slepping on bed?

Our health is directly related to our sleeping position. To stay healthy, it is equally necessary for the body to work as much as necessary. This is essential for both physical and mental health. How much sleep a person should take every day depends on the person's work and his body? Young children need the most sleep, if you do any work that insists on the brain and then you need a deep sleep. On average, a man should take 7 to 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours. Just as our health is determined by the duration of sleep, the position of the sleeping also affects our health.
Hands Stretching out
Spreading hands is the most comfortable condition of sleeping. In this state the body opens completely, so that the weight of all organs falls equally on the bed. In this position, the spinal cord is straight by sleeping and you can breathe well.
slepping position
Belly Stomach
You may feel comfortable while sleeping on the stomach, but it has many losses on the body. It pulls your neck and puts pressure on the lower back. Sleeping on the stomach for longer periods can change your physical appearance such as shoulders and neck and your body's appearance may become unbalanced. In this position of girls, there is pressure on the breast from sleep and many times their development stops.

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Banana peel is very useful; it will turn away from skin problems

Banana is a fruit that is considered a good source of vitamins and proteins. You may already know all the advantages of eating bananas until you maintain the stomach. Banana contains the name of carotenoids, which keeps us away from many serious diseases. But do you know that along with banana its peel is also very useful.
natural remedies
For Acne Scars
The problem of acne in puberty occurs to all. Many times they are easily healed and many times their stains remain on the face, which is not easily gone. Banana peel can help you get rid of these stains. Take a small piece of banana peel and rub on the stained part until the color of the peel is brown. Keep its fibers in the face for half an hour. Now wipe it in a lukewarm water towel and apply it to the moisturizer. By rubbing banana peel twice a day in this way, your face will get rid of acne scars in a few days and you will get your blooming face back.
Ultraviolet protects against the effects of rays
The antioxidant named Luteen in the banana peel protects the face and eyes from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. If your eyes get tired due to getting late in the sun or working longer, then keep the banana peels on your eyes for five minutes and eyes will get relief. If your skin has been burning from the sun, rub the banana peel at the burning place for a while.
skin problem, rub on skin
Dark Circles
You can also use banana peels to remove dark circles under the eyes. For this remove the white fiber from banana peel, mix it in the aloe vera gel and put it under the eyes. Applying this paste three times a week will help you get rid of the Dark Circles.
Get rid of wares
Wart is a type of skin disease in which a small round portion of meat on a part of the body starts hanging separately, it reduces your beauty and looks bad. Banana peel also cures these moles and when the wines are small for this, then rub bananas on them. On regular rub, the elements present in the banana peel will not allow the mice to grow and will gradually finish it.

Tuesday 19 December 2017

These 5 things are bad for reducing obesity, never believe

Obesity not only spoils your look but also brings many diseases along with it. The problem of most people in today's era is obesity and fat accumulation on the stomach. The main reason for this is that people have been summoned to relax, which is decreasing their physical activity. People adopt short cuts rather than balanced diet and exercise. These short cuts sometimes take risks for health rather than weight loss. Today we are telling you some illusions that people understand the right way to lose weight. Let's know what those things-
Lemon juice is diluted by drinking honey
It is a misconception that there are no magical drinks which will reduce our weight by drinking and there is no doubt that honey is very good for our health. There are high amounts of antioxidants and iron, but one teaspoon of honey contains 200 calories. Fructose is also found in excessive amounts, due to which it disrupts weight loss. Regardless of taking in limited quantity, do not consume it regularly.
loss weight, how to loss weight
Apple Cedar Vinegar Loses Weight
It is becoming popular that the weight loss of Apple Cedar Vinager. People started consuming empty stomach in the morning. Instead, it is better to lose weight with a balanced diet and it is the risk of getting rid of empty stomach as it burns in the throat and damage to the nervous system. Apple cedar vinegar can be put in the food to taste, but it does not help you to lose weight.

These tips will stop hair fall problem in just 2 days

Even if the monsoon month is over and the winters have come. But the problem of hair loss and breakdown still remains very common today. Not only women but men too are troubled by many problems related to hair. Doctors say that if there are 100 hairs fall in 1 day, then there is no problem because there are so many hairs growing in the head every day. But if more hair falls on it then it becomes a matter of concern.
Although the hair breaks down due to the weather too. But to our extent, our catering and our lifestyle are responsible. If you increase the amount of vitamin B in your diet, then you will get rid of this problem to a large extent. According to your hair type, you should treat your hair only. Today we are telling you some easy ways to make hair dark and strong. By adopting them, you can get rid of every hair problem.
Why does hair fall?
In females, Androgenetic Alopecia is also known as Female Pattern Baldness, and this mail pattern is normally found just like Baldness. Female pattern baldness is the genetic problem of hair fall, in which the hair on the skin of the entire head becomes gradually sparse. Whereas the cause of baldness in men is often genetic. In addition, it has been seen in most people that due to heavy stress their hair falls. Apart from this, people often take the help of hair dryer to dry their hair after bathing and which is considered to be the most responsible for the breakdown of hair. Continuously to make your hair straight or curly, treatments, consumption of junk food and lack of nutrition in food are also responsible for this problem.

Monday 18 December 2017

Use these methods to get rid of the wax of ear

The wax present in your ear is called a scientific sermon, is a yellowish substance that is often found in our ears and it is secreted by the ear glands. The wax in the ear protects the ear and the components present in it work to save the ear hose from dust, bacteria and even water.
If you are having difficulty listening then it is possible that the reason for this is the wax in your ear which needs to be cleaned. Here we are going to tell you some natural ways to clean ear wax.
1. Hydrogen peroxide:
This is a natural way to take out the wax of your ear. For this you can clean your ears by soaking in the hydrogen peroxide to the cotton ball.
2. Coconut oil:
Due to fatty acids present in coconut oil, this is an important way of cleaning wax. It keeps the infection and bacteria away. For this, you heat the coconut oil and put it in a few dropsy ears with the help of the dropper and clean it by 5 minutes after the ear bud.

Friday 15 December 2017

How to get relief from stains pain; remove acne in a single night by using Cloves?

No matter how beautiful the face may be, small acne wires the beauty of the whole face. Often, adolescence becomes acne around the cheeks, chin and nose on the face. And due to lack of cleanliness of the face, the pimples are made in the acne. You must have heard about home remedies by using Cloves that can solve this problem. But do you know how to use cloves to remove the acne from the pus. If not, then let us tell you through this article.
Cloves not only remove acne but also help in removing their marks. Due to the antibacterial and antiseptic properties present in the clove, it is a strong cleanser. Which clears the rhinoceroses, has to kill the bacteria that cause the infection and prevents it from spreading further. Apart from this, it is also rich in antioxidant properties and it is also used to enhance the appearance of removing acne due to potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A and rich in vitamin c.
cloves, lamon
Clove face mask for acne
Clove mask works like a chemical peel; it removes dead skin, makes the stains light and makes the skin clean and healthy. In this mask, fiber is found in very high amounts in the apple, which maintains moisture in the skin and does not allow moisture to be removed from the skin pores. Antioxidants are found abundant in green tea who keeps the skin healthy and shiny. Apart from this, vitamin C is found in abundance that brings accumulation in the skin. Let's learn how to make clown face masks.

Depression is not being reducing, but increasing more by taking such drugs

Due to increased stress and busy routine, the problem of stress and depression in people now a day has become very common. Situation is that people often get annoyed with small things, due to which the level of stress is increasing. This growing stress in our life is making us weak in both mental and physical forms.
Over the last few years, there has been a lot of research on anti-depressant medicines i.e. antidepressants. There are also discussions about their side effects; even doctors are not unanimous about these medicines. Antidepressants are being used in many other diseases besides depression. Some time ago, a survey was conducted in five different cities in India like Mumbai, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Guwahati and Tiruvalla from a Japanese institution; they found that approximately 50 % of the patients were consuming antidepreatant without depression. Their symptoms are similar to depression, due to which the doctors are giving them these medicines.
drugs, disease, depression, antidepressants
A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association also found that in almost 45 % of cases, the advice of taking antidepressant is being given in different diseases. These medicines are being given in conditions like migraine, angiabetes, nerves problems, and Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and chronic pens. In addition, these medicines are being given in premenstrual syndrome, insomnia and sexual diffusion. It has been said in the report that many times doctors prescribe these medicines in other diseases. Although their dose is fixed for a limited time and consuming them for a long time can be harmful for health.