Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Do not throw radish leaves; be surprised at its properties

1. Vitamins and Minerals are full of radish leaves
Radish is eaten as parathas, pickles, salads and vegetables, but do you know that in addition to radish there are also many nutrients that can fight against many diseases. If you use to throw the leaves of radish, then you will not know what will the special thing in radish leaves and what are the benefits of eating it. Radish leaves contain vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, and vitamin A. It also contains sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus and copper. Its leaves contain carbohydrate, protein, fiber, while fat is very low.
2. Beneficial in Anemia
Radish leaves contain iron, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin A and thiamine, so eating it hemoglobin level will increase. During pregnancy, its leaves are beneficial to meet iron deficiency.
3. Blood Pressure will remain normal
Potassium is also rich in radish leaves, so it reduces sodium levels in the body and keeps blood pressure in control. It also protects against cardiovascular diseases by eating it.
radish leaves
4. Beneficial in diabetes
The amount of fiber in radish leaves is also very good. By eating it everyday sugar levels do not grow and the elements in the leaves keep the insulin in control.
5. The immune system increases
Due to the presence of vitamin C in radish leaves, it increases the body's immune system and vitamin C helps in making white blood cells in the body. White blood cells only protect the body from the infection and produce new tissues after burning, cutting or after any type of tissue damage.
6. Dissimation will remain correct
Radish leaves contain plenty of fiber, which reduces the stiffness of the stool in the body and keeps the digestion capacity correct. That is why radish leaves are considered best for constipation in all leafy vegetables. It also reduces inflammation due to some reason in the body.

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